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10.01.2019 18:07


30.01.2017 11:56

eto ochen interestno no ne segodny

19.09.2015 12:50

Sevara "ya gonam uzing", "unutma meni".Я тебя л....

22.12.2012 08:37

Thank you for your songs! You are the BEST!!!!!!
Love you!!!

22.12.2012 07:35

Sevara, you have really very good voice. Saw you in russian project, and think you are the person who has unique voice!!! Wish you success and hope you will have millions of smiles!!!

16.05.2012 16:59

Sevara you have unique talant, lovely voice and eastrn beauty! wish you health, wealth, success and joy of creation!

John Pegan
14.05.2012 17:48

Powerful and Beautiful Music - creates space, time, movement and emotion. Sonic Architecture.

Please post your touring / concert calendar. I see many comments asking for you to come to the listener's homeland.
Do you tour? Your music deserves the opportunity to be heard and shared. Maybe performance at a music festival? Please let your fans know more.

08.05.2012 05:30

Севара, в голландию не собирайтесь?

20.04.2012 21:57

dear sevara many turkic people are living australia dont forget to come to australia ,you are the best.

10.04.2012 18:29

добрый день! подскажите, пожал-та, когда планируется в Москве концерт Севары Назархан? очень ждём её!!!!

26.03.2012 23:56

Севара узнал про вас не давно, понравилась песня Доброй ночи,у вас прекрасный голос.
Творческих успехов вам.
С уважением,
Олжик Астана

23.02.2012 21:23

hi sevara
just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely voice and a great smile xXx

02.02.2012 06:44

Savara opa sizga ming rahmat O'zbekistonni, O'zbek tilini va elini hamda sanatini keng dunyoga namoyish etmoqdasiz. Ollohdan sizga ushbu kirishgan ishlaringizda omad surayman. Ovozingizga ko'z tegmasin.

31.01.2012 14:42

Salom Sevara opa. Man sizzi yengi albomingizni olib eshitib ko'rdim. Songs are brilliant!!!
Shaxsiy saytizda rasimlarizni ko'pro qo'yishsa Xursan bo'lardik. O'zbekistonda sizga teng keladigaon qo'shiqchi yo'q man uchun. Ijodingizga omad tilayman. Yengi qo'shiqladan ko'pro etib bizadaka muhlislaringizani hursand qib turing. Good luck !!!

02.01.2012 03:16

Hello Sevara, happy new year! Wish you all the best for this year 2012. I love your art and you as a person. I still remember your first soul concert in uzb. Pls come to Germany, I am waiting for your concert with your new songs.

25.12.2011 01:56

I live in the tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Sevara, is there any way that you could come to Bhutan and make a most special World Concert? Even though I am a scientist (my small claim to fame is here: can guarantee I would be able to make the necessary artistic connections for you here in the last Shangri La.

17.12.2011 08:50

Loving the new album.
Greetings from Amsterdam, I hope you will come and sing here soon.

04.12.2011 16:39

Hi Sevara:

Your music is the most amazing music from heaven singed by the most beautiful angel on earth!!!.

Please don’t became seduce for the money and change your style, don’t became an American or European pop singer, there is a huge crowd of people around the world like me hungry for music with “ROOTS” instead of empty music, music with a white soul instead of music with black spirits, music to look into yourself, instead of music for jumping in a DISCO or BAR, keep your ethnic musicians and instruments, keep writing and singing your specialty: music with ethnic roots and instruments dressed in a “NATURAL” modern beat that makes to fly the souls of your listener in search of higher heavens..

Love Sevara

Шухрат Юсупов
09.10.2011 13:59

Хотелось бы чтобы песни Севары чаще играли на радио и вообще чтобы её было больше в нашей жизни (в Узбекистане).
Севара, создавайте! Нам это оччччень нравиться!
Хотелось бы общаться с вами как друзья. Мой имейл у вас есть.

09.10.2011 03:23

Sevara you are the best !!!

03.10.2011 14:57

hi Sevara ! Again me, still waitin concert in turkey... . :(

13.09.2011 02:14

Севара вы СУПЕР

31.08.2011 00:45

Wow, Got the album Sen and is now one of my favorite all time albums. The song Debochadan is out of this world and sung with so much feeling and passion. I don't care that I do not understand a word of Uzbek, music on this level is a laguage of it's own!
Please come to the UK to perform!!!!

18.07.2011 05:38

salam sevara hope every thing is perfect, i am from south Azerbaijan living in Australia you can not fined a single day of my life in last 5 years without listening your beautiful voice. there is some differences between my Turkish and uzbek turkish but i understand most of your songs long live sevara. yashar.

02.07.2011 17:31

Greetings from India.. your music is captivating, you are amazing.. lov ya..

22.05.2011 01:13

Hi Sevara,
why do you write "Nazarkhan", not "Nazarxon"?
In my opinion there is no necessity to transcribe Uzbek names since the Uzbek language and so Uzbek names in there original form are written in Latin.
You can be proud of your culture and you needn't make yourself "English" or "German" or what else.
Best wishes from Germany,

26.02.2011 12:38

Hi Servara,

As a big fan of your music I wonder why we have you to mis in Europe. We are waiting now for years to see you live again on tour in Belgium or Holland. Please come again! And after Sen a new record would be nice.....


14.02.2011 09:22

Приветсвую!!! Помню вас с 1999 года когда вы приехали в наш кишлак Жомашуй , тогда вы выступали с группой "Сидерис" и спели песню без музыки и микрофона, в живую. После этого я постоянно слежу за вашими успехами!!! Спасибо что Вы есть. Что Вы прославляете нашу узбекскую музыку. Благодарен Вам от всей души!!!
С огромной любовью и благодарностью скромный узбек Кадырдон!!!

07.02.2011 21:10

Sevara opa u know u hav really amazin voice, i luv ur all comments u know that...and i just wish u good luck...))
jdu konsert v turksiyu...()))))

06.02.2011 17:13

Спасибо Вам и успехов во всем!

С уважением,


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